Monday, November 26, 2007


It's not only happening in dreams now...It happens when I'm awake...

I dreamt of things that have actually happened. Many of my dreams have come true, only a handful haven't...yet...

Something is different now though. I am awake and I am predicting things. It sounds so far fetched but it's true. I agree with what you're thinking now...I don't believe it either...

I was on a bus drawing...It was raining out. I had a vision. I saw a man in a dark hooded jacket, dark sunglasses, and a long white beard. He was a homeless man. I envisioned him getting onto the bus and sitting in the back rightmost corner of the bus.

I had seen this man before. He wasn't a frequent on the bus...Maybe once or twice compared to my everyday ride to work.

Anyways, soon enough, at the next stop the man with the dark hood and the glasses entered the bus and sat right in the seat I predicted. I was terrified at what I had just done. How did I do that? I didn't even concentrate or pre-think about the man. He just randomly popped into my head...

What if there is some ability in all of us? Something that many of us do not know we have...What if we could unlock this "power"...


Anonymous said...

Maybe your a messenger...don't disregard or push away a gift so sought after...and don't look to hard...peace will come with understanding...whenever that

Anonymous said...